SOLDERING IRON VIDEO TUTORIAL: Watch & Learn to Use This Great Tool


Do you want to learn to solder wires? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Soldering is a basic hands-on skill, and once you’ve mastered it, you’ll find lots of opportunity to use the soldering process. The video explains shows how to solder wires, large and small. Soldering is my favourite method of making connections in the projects I build because it’s so reliable.

The video below is one of dozens tutorials that are part of my online course INDEPENDENT ELECTRIC POWER. It teaches everything you need to know to design and build your own off-grid solar or wind electrical system. If all you’re interested in right now is learning to solder, click the video window below to watch, learn and enjoy!

If you want to enjoy energy independence with your own off-grid system, click here. 25% OFF on the course fee until the end of this weekend

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