Cozy Cabin: Video Course & Plans for Building Your Own Little Dream Home

by Steve Maxwell

Cozy Cabin 3D

Steve’s Cozy Cabin video course and construction plans package is the ultimate guide to building your very own high-quality small home. Whether you’re build a cabin in the woods, or a tiny home on an urban lot, this guide provides a detailed. step-by-step instruction to bring your plans to life. Steve built this course around his own experiences designing and building a cabin with his son, so the design is field-tested. Steve explains how to build if you’ve never built before, how to get the most out of the small floor plan, and even how to outfit the cabin for comfortable, year-round living. Cozy Cabin is the next best thing to having Steve working with you. Plans, illustrations, photos and 45 videos. Money-back guarantee, too.

Author: Steve Maxwell
45 Embedded videos
CAD: $59

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 Love Your Deck: Exceptionally Detailed Building and Finishing Guide

by Steve Maxwell

Deck 3D cover

Build a deck that lasts longer, and a finish that you’ll love. You won’t find anything else like this guide on the internet. Love Your Deck includes 66 pages, 11 videos, a money-back guarantee and a deck that lasts twice as long with a finish you’ll love. What could be better than that? You can pay what you like, that’s what is better. Try the deck guide today, pay what you can afford. $30+ retail value, yours for what you can spare.

Author: Steve Maxwell
66 Pages
11 Embedded videos
Price: Pay what you can spare, or what you think is fair
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Mold Buster: a Steve Maxwell Tutorial

by Steve Maxwell


Mold in your home is ugly and potentially dangerous, and my ebook Mold Buster offers the most complete guide anywhere for getting rid of it – safely and for good.

So why would you pay for information on mold control when so much online is free? Quality, technical details and a 100% money-back guarantee, that’s why. Mold Buster is unique in the world and explains exactly how to: Eliminate bathroom ceiling mold so it looks like it never happened, Get rid of mold anywhere without toxins or bleach, Permanently freshen a musty basement so it doesn’t contaminate your whole house, Eliminate outdoor mold stains on wood, siding and decks ,Ventilate your home properly so mold can’t grow.

Special Section: What to do after a flood – get the low-down on how to handle flood damage the right way.

Author: Steve Maxwell
Special Price: $15

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 The Complete Root Cellar Video: The World’s Most Detailed Guide

by Steve Maxwell

dvd case standingclosed 794Want to preserve fresh fruits and vegetables for months without electricity?

Interested in boosting the food security of your family?

Want to save money buying produce at low harvest prices, then enjoying it all winter long when everyone else is paying top dollar for food in grocery stores?

You need a root cellar! Steve Maxwell wrote the book on root cellar design , construction and use (The Complete Root Cellar Book), and he’s packed everything he knows about the topic into this 75-minute video course.


Author: Steve Maxwell
75 minutes of video
Price: $29
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dvd case standingclosed 794Love Your Deck 3D Cover copyCozy Cabin 3D Cover Final

Buy all three and save!

Love Your Deck, The Cozy Cabin, and streaming access to Steve’s Complete Root Cellar Video!

steve in root cellar
This combination brings together Steve’s incredibly complete DIY instructional ebook series Cozy Cabin and Love Your Deck with Steve’s exclusive, feature length video “The Complete Root Cellar”

A veteran, award-winning how-to author and video authority, Steve Maxwell has been showing people how to do things the right way since 1988. Buy The Complete DIY Combination here and try it risk-free for 30 days. If you’re not entirely satisfied after a month, you’ll get a prompt and cheerful refund.

Author: Steve Maxwell
50+ videos, hundreds of pages and more!
Price: $69
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