How can I eliminate window condensation in a multi-story condominium unit? We’ve been experiencing lots of condensation for the seven years we’ve lived in the building. Window replacement isn’t an option since they’re considered common elements in this building.

How can I eliminate window condensation in a multi-story condominium unit? We’ve been experiencing lots of condensation for the seven years we’ve lived in the building. Window replacement isn’t an option since they’re considered common elements in this building.

Judging by the number of emails I get every winter, condensation on condo windows is a big issue. And while you can’t solve this problem by installing a heat recovery ventilator (as you could in a house), there are other things worth trying.

The ventilation systems on most multi-story condominiums are designed to move fresh air into hallway areas, then into each individual unit through the gap underneath the entry door. Trouble is, carpets and rugs often block the space underneath the door, preventing proper air movement through each unit. Besides making sure that the under-door gap is open, run exhaust fans and range hoods frequently. You should also contact the property manager to see if adjustments to the ventilation system can be made.

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