Episode#4 LIFE@Bailey Line Road

Door Hinge, Tool Storage, Oil Change & Cattle:

⇐ Click left to watch how I use a razor sharp chisel to cut a pocket for a hand-forged door hinge.

Click right ⇒ to join in a visit I had with some of our chickens as I changed the oil in our van. They may be homely and not too smart, but chickens are always fun to watch. At least I think so, anyway.

⇐ Click left for a flash back to the 2016 grazing season, and a lesson on how I decide when to move our beef cattle to fresh pastures and grass.

Click right ⇒ to see my design for a wooden tool storage box with built-in, custom-shaped cushioning for precious items. No matter how weirdly shaped the tool, this approach does the trick.



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