Episode#3 LIFE@BaileyLineRoad

Chainsaw, Water Line, Chickens, Wood Splitter :

⇐ Click left to learn how I make my chainsaws run longer and better. This one is 28 years old and works perfectly.

Click right ⇒ to see the setup I installed to ensure freeze-proof water supply in a cold climate where the water line has to run unprotected by soil. It’s simple, inexpensive and works perfectly.


⇐ Click left to watch how I repair a galvanized chicken waterer using sand paper, solder and a torch.

Click right ⇒ to see our fastest wood splitter in action. It’s called an “inertia” splitter because it gets its power from the inertia of two, 75 pound spinning flywheels This splitter is about twice as fast as our hydraulic splitter.


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