DETAIL SANDERS: Tips for Using This Key Tool for Outdoor...
Updated on December 12th, 2020
Detail sanders are tools that help a lot with wood refinishing work, and there's really nothing else like them on the...Continue Reading
Quartersawn Wood Lumber: Why Woodworkers Should Be Looki...
Updated on November 28th, 2020
I've noticed that most woodworkers start assessing a board by looking at its face, but if this is where your...Continue Reading
Around the Woodshop
MILLING MICRO-LUMBER: Tricks for Sawing Your Own Real Bo...
Updated on November 28th, 2020
It’s easy to look past the obvious fact that lumber comes from logs, but once you start thinking this way,...Continue Reading
Q&A OF THE WEEK: “Is a Wood Planer Worth Buyi...
Updated on November 7th, 2020
QUESTION (+ video below): I'm planning to buy one of the benchtop jointers you recommended in your kitchen and bathroom...Continue Reading
Recently Interesting
Published onNovember 6th, 2020
Sometimes a little woodworking trick can deliver a lot of value That's the case with an operation called "kerfing"...Continue Reading
REFINISHING FURNITURE: Tips for Getting Great Results
Updated on October 31st, 2020
There’s a little-known fact about the beauty of stripped and refinished woodwork, and I discovered it the hard way...Continue Reading
RABBETS & DADOS: Understanding These Bedrock Woodwo...
Published onOctober 23rd, 2020
If glue could create a perfect bond between pieces of wood, there would be no need for anything other than simple butt...Continue Reading
Revive Vintage Chisels (and other dull woodworking tools...
Updated on October 17th, 2020
Good chisels never die, they just turn into paint can openers But concealed under that dull and dirty exterior could be...Continue Reading
Why We All Need to Create
Updated on October 17th, 2020
When my wife and I moved one of our sons into university a few years ago, I couldn’t help but notice all the posters...Continue Reading
EDGE-GLUING SOLID WOOD: Three steps for success in the h...
Updated on September 12th, 2020
UPDATED 11Sep2020 + video below Trees only grow so wide, and that’s just one reason gluing boards together...Continue Reading