CASE STUDY: Cuba Leads Organic Agriculture Worldwide
Updated on September 12th, 2020
UPDATED 11Sep2020: Thousands of shivering, warmth-starved northern people flock to Cuba each year for bright sun,...Continue Reading
CONTAINER GARDENING: Benefits, Beauty and Tricks of Cont...
Published onJuly 31st, 2020
UPDATED 22Jun2018: Container gardening is all about using flower pots, planters and hanging containers as a regular...Continue Reading
GARDEN TOUR: Visit Our Manitoulin Island Garden By Video
Published onJune 5th, 2020
It's June and a great time for a Manitoulin Island, Canada garden tour Our place is buzzing and bright with new colors...Continue Reading
Steve Suggests
WORK GLOVES: 100 Year-Old Canadian Firm Protects Workers...
Updated on December 14th, 2019
UPDATED 14 Dec2019: In 2018 I discovered a Canadian work glove manufacturer that I’m surprised I hadn’t found...Continue Reading
TRICKLE IRRIGATION VIDEO: Better Garden Watering, One Dr...
Updated on April 13th, 2019
The first time I pumped my well dry using a sprinkler to water wilting vegetables, I realized how country life brings a...Continue Reading
VIDEO GARDEN TOUR: Manitoulin August 2015
Updated on December 12th, 2017
One of the best ways to learn about gardening is to see what works for other people That's the idea behind the garden...Continue Reading