Although life for me is pretty much the same as usual here on the homestead during this strange time, I know that’s not the case for everyone. Many people are restricted to their homes, with all usual daily activities gone. Time used to be in short supply for some, but many people that I talk tell me that each day goes on and on and on. Perhaps this is where some online learning can help. Most clouds have a silver lining, and the Corona situation is no exception. If you’ve got downtime, use it to do work around the house or to improve yourself and gain hands-on skills and capabilities. Perhaps my courses can help. People tell me they’re the best they’ve ever seen.

Over the last 15 years I’ve been creating online courses, teaching people to learn hands-on skills and complete workshop projects. My collection of courses is growing (I’m currently working on a MIG welding course) and people who signed up for my existing course tell me they love them. As a help to you and your family, I’ve applied a 20% discount to all the courses at the link below for the next week. There’s no need for a discount code either, I’ve already adjusted pricing for you and everyone else who wants to make beneficial use of their time.

Click here for more information on courses that cover DIY restoration of septic systems, plans and instructions for building your own tiny house, building cabinets, creating a survival food system, managing a private water well, finishing your basement and more.


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