VIDEO: Cast Iron Radiators a Beautiful and Efficient Way to Heat

Cast iron radiators aren’t something most people think about when considering a new heating system. In fact, old-time radiators in existing buildings are often looked at with disdain, ripped out and replaced because they’re obviously “inefficient”.  But the fact is, cast iron radiators have a lot going for them. They may be an old idea, but they still make sense because people will always love snuggling up to something warm on cold days. And who doesn’t like to dry mitts, hats and coats quickly and well? Reclaimed iron rads are available from specialty refurbishing shops for new construction and old. The shop I chose to buy from for my project is in a place called St-Jean Port-Joli, Quebec, Canada. Click below to watch and learn more about the iron radiators. They’re an efficient and beautiful way to go:

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