LIFE IMPROVEMENT: Eat Better With a Root Cellar

steve in root cellarBack in 2009 a book publisher called me with an offer to write a book on root cellars and I thought it was the silliest idea ever. I happen to like root cellars a lot personally, and a corner of the limestone basement in the house I built has been our root cellar since 1991.

“But that’s just me”, I thought. “Who else would be crazy enough to bother with a root cellar to store produce in this day and age?”

Much to my surprise, quite a few people want to know more about root cellars.

In the end, the publisher convinced me to write The Complete Root Cellar Book, and since it came out in 2010 it’s been a steady seller. My co-author, Jennifer Mackenzie, created more than 100 unique recipes for preparing all things cellared, and together our book has led to TV and radio interviews as well as a more-or-less continuous chance to speak and write about root cellars across North America.

Why the interest?

steve maxwell root cellar bookSomewhere, deep down inside, many of us still feel an urge to store wholesome food in a way that’s completely within our control. There’s nothing like the feel of security this brings, as well as some exceptionally good meals. Root cellars are to food what a well-stocked wine cellar is to drink. It let’s you find exceptional produce during harvest season, then keep it in good condition for weeks and months afterward. But there’s more. . .

Besides great eating, a root cellar can also save you money, and you don’t need to live in the country to have one. I know people who live in downtown urban neighbourhoods and have root cellars, and even people with simple cellars in their backyard.

Then there’s the added food security that a root cellar brings. I happen to believe that our world isn’t as safe and secure as it seems to be. The fact that our governments are financially precarious and our food supply is entirely dependent on a steady supply of crude oil does give me concern.

Perhaps the food security offered by a root cellar might never be needed, but then again. . .

Saturday, January 25th, I’ll be presenting a 75 minute video seminar on root cellar construction and management at an online international event called The Survival Summit. The event is free and includes more than two dozen experts over the course of the week teaching the full range of survival skills and techniques.

Why not join me online?

To be honest, some of the experts presenting other seminars at this event are pretty hard-core survivalists, so not all the topics are for everyone. My root cellar seminar is easy-going, friendly and includes a link to get plans and help building your own root cellar. Click on the banner below to learn more.

survival seminar - steve maxwell teaches root cellar techniques

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