power tool design emerges, but I consider the Bosch axial glide mitre saw to be one. I’ve been using the GCM12SD in my shop since late in 2010, and it solves a long-standing problem that all competing sliding mitre saws have right now. The fact that the GCM12SD has no rails out the back is a big plus, and the sliding action is very smooth. I’ve got this saw hooked up to my dust collection system, which is something I was never able to do with any other sliding compound mitre saw because of their size. The only fault I can find with this model isn’t significant. The swiveling arm mechanism that replaces the sliding rails will flex if you apply side pressure on the handle during a cut, possibly introducing inaccuracy. Reasonable care with your hands while applying pressure to the handle eliminates any trouble, though. I’m sure we’ll see other manufacturers offer rail-free saws soon.