Keep Cool and Keep Eco and Cost Conscious

Cooling Your Home Doesn’t Have to be at a Cost to the Environment

Eco-Friendly and Fund Saving Facts about Air Conditioning Systems:

  • Cooling only key zones of your home can save more than 60% compared with whole-house systems, and recent advances make this frugal alternative more practical than ever.
  • Typical window fans draw about 100 watts of power each. If operated for 12 hours a day, two fans use a total of 2.4 kWh per day, costing you about $7 per month.
  • A 1000-watt zone air conditioner (either window or split system) typically use 18 kWh per day, costing just under $40 per month.
  • Typical central air conditioners draw about 3500 watts of juice, totaling more than 60 kWh per day (or about $140 worth of electricity) per month.

Live smart, choose well, think ahead and you can stay cool this summer without blowing a fuse. To learn more read “No Sweat Home Comfort and Easy Green Home Cooling Options“.

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